Resurgam Youth Initiative

Resurgam Youth Initiative work with young people aged 5 – 25 to enhance their personal and social development. Resurgam Youth Initiative provide 27 youth work sessions a week to five target areas within Lisburn City and have currently over 500 young people registered to our unit.
Resurgam Youth Initiative has developed its own Model for empowering and developing young people called Pathway of Development – initial engagement, participation through to leadership roles. This model includes use of ‘The Gearstick Model’ which engages young people at risk through Outreach methods to deliver activities that can become a vehicle used to share experiences or relate to an individual in a different context – introducing a basic type of contract defining behaviour and responsibilities.
Resurgam Youth Initiative Manager
Francie Ferris –
Please click on the link below to read our most recent ETI Report:
Our Impact

Anti-social behaviour incidents are down between Apr’22-Mar’23

Staff and volunteers came up through the project

young people registered with Resurgam Youth Initative

Resurgam Youth Initiative focus on developing young adults within their provision including Youthbank, a young people led grant making body that has been recently established with young people completing OCN’s in Fundraising. Resurgam Youth Initiative have a strength in delivery of Good Relations and CRED work which challenges young people’s attitudes to others and cultures unfamiliar to them. In essence Resurgam Youth Initiative develop young people to have an awareness of the world and test their values and beliefs.
Resurgam Youth Initiative link with the Healthy Living Centre to develop interventions aimed at reduction of harm in terms of drugs and alcohol and awareness raising. Much of this work is delivered using a peer approach. Resurgam Youth Initiative focus on Gender Based Work which engages with young men and young women to address issues directly related to their gender including young men and violence and young women and relationships.

RYI is a community-based youth project that works to community development principles. 95% of RYI staff and volunteers came up through youth or other community projects which has strengthened the sustainability of our services. Those engaged progress into Locally Qualified Youth Workers through completing OCN Level III training which sustains the project.
Resurgam Youth Initiative is one of two full time voluntary sector groups within the Central Lisburn Area. RYI deliver services to meet needs identified within the Lisburn Outreach Detached Steering Group and Lisburn SAFE Steering Groups – PSNI identify need for youth work in several hotspot areas across the city in response to ASB and risk taking behaviours including alcohol and drug abuse.

Key areas of work delivered within the Youth Work Curriculum include:
- Education
- Health & Wellbeing
- Community Safety
- Gender Based Work
- Community Relations Equality & Diversity
- Citizenship

The Resurgam Youth Initiative, Outreach Detached team is an intrinsic need for stability of the communities in which we live. There has been a steep increase in youths who are marginalised from centre-based youth provision and are engaging in risk taking behaviour within the city on a weekly basis.
The aim of the outreach/detached team is to engage with young people within their own domain, wherever they feel safe. Over time, we look to build a rapport and gain their trust. We would encourage them to move to centre-based youth provision on a weeknight that suited the group, to participate in targeted programs such as internet safety or personal development.
The outreach team delivers youth engagement on Friday and Saturday evenings throughout the Lisburn and Castlereagh constituency, to provide a support network to those who may not be aware of what youth provision services exist in their area.
Lisburn & Castlereagh City
ASB incidents – Apr’21-Mar’22 – 3,350
ASB incidents – Apr’22-Mar’23 – 2,931
Change- 419 % change – 12.5
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